It's the holidays!!!!!
I can't believe how fast this term has gone. Today we said goodbye to our girls and tomorrow we fly off the Island for a two week break over Easter. Before we go I thought I'd post a few pictures of whats been happening the last few weeks of this term.
On Sunday a couple of weeks ago the local footy grand final was played between the Tiwi teams. We drove about 30 minutes, then caught the barge over to the other Island to watch the game. We were able to check out some local art and as you can see passionately cheer on our teams (just kidding we left after the first quarter because it was sooo hot) But a fun outing none the less. |
In week 8 our girls footy team made it to the grand final, in the women's competition. As you can see from the above photos our girls came away victorious and won the game. It was a great afternoon and so-wonderful to see our girls play so-well. Very proud house-parent moment. Go the Baby Bombers!!! |
As the end of the term was drawing near, and keeping in theme with Easter I had the girls decorate some Easter eggs to decorate our Easter Tree. We also made invitations to our Easter afternoon tea where the girls would be cooking all the different foods they learned to prepare throughout the term in life skills. |
The girls did a great job in preparing the food and as you can see there was quite a nice spread. |
Here are some photos of everyone enjoying the food. The girls invited some of the female members of staff to come along. |
In the last week we had a house party, watched the movie Hop on the big screen and had an Easter egg hunt. I also did a wee bit of baking and packaged some little treats for them to take home. | | |
Well I think you're all caught up on the latest of whats been happening in Family Group Home 4.
We fly into Brisbane on Saturday morning and are looking forward to catching up with you!