This is me taking 10 simple points on how I can best plan and prepare for me to follow the program.
- Download and print all the files received from purchasing this program
- Get familiar with the recipes and write out an achievable menu plan
- Choose my official launch date. This will have to be Thursday or Friday of next week that is when I'll be able to get an order from the barge by.
- In this week leading up, begin to cut down on "dairy, meat, alcohol, soft drinks, sodas, artificial sweeteners, alcohol, refined sugar, frozen dinners, chocolate, coffee, nicotine, wheat ie. bread, baked goods, pasta, pizza. On launch day you will eliminate these foods all together".
- "Follow the 80/20 rule, 80% vegetables on your plate and 20% protein or gluten free grains (such as amaranth, millet, or quinoa) on your plate is a good guide to go by".
- The program suggests to throw away all the foods you will no-longer be consuming. This however is impossible for me as we have to feed twelve teenage girls who would likely have my head if I started throwing away their nutella and ice cream. So, in this area I must simply exercise awesome self-control.
- "Check my equipment" Well. here it suggests that I make sure my juicer and blender are in good working condition and to consider purchasing things like a vege spiraliser and dehydrator...but I'll wait to see what happens before I go all hard out like that.
- Learn to deal with cravings and figure out what it is that my body is actually needing verses wanting. As well as assess the emotions behind the cravings as well. This could be good.
- I pretty much just wanted to copy paste the entire point on Stop Counting Calories. This interests me as I've just entered a weight loss challenge, so it will be very interesting to see if I can still loose as much weight as those who count calories. Heres what they say; "A raw food diet is not about deprivation or calorie restriction. In fact the more you restrict calories, the more your body thinks its in a famine and will hold onto weight. When your body is receiving optimum fuel it will utilise it all for energy, and not get stored as fat because it recognises it as REAL food! You will find you can eat as much salad, sprouts, superfoods or have as many green juices or smoothies as you like and still lose weight. Fat is a toxin store so by consuming detoxifying foods your body will begin to release stored toxins and the fat will melt away. Your body will reach an equilibrium when it is at its optimal weight. Nuts are nutrient dense foods and loaded with good fats which are crucial for bodily functions, and an important part of the raw food diet, however use in moderation. Stick to the 80/20 rule her"
- Use the journal provided every day of the 28 program. I will try as best as possible to do this here on the blog as I think a digital version will serve me better and something I can refer back to easily.
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